15 Bed Alternatives For Small Spaces [With Pictures]

While scrolling through various room designs on Pinterest or just a few searches online, you might have heard about trendy space-saving furniture. For me, it’s a daily job, and in today’s article, I am going to educate you on 15 space-saving alternatives to basic beds.

#1. Hammock

For those who don’t know, a hammock is a sling made of fabric, rope, or some netting. This sling is then suspended between at least two points.

Now you must be wondering how a hammock could be a better option than a bed? When we speak about space-saving in interior design, we think about how we can get you more floor space. Since the hammock is suspended above and can be removed, folded, and stored for later use, it gives you plenty of space to use. A hammock not only saves you a huge space but also adds to the aesthetic of the room, giving it a beachy aura. It also gives you an additional advantage from the fact that it can swing.

#2. Murphy Bed

Famous in the space-saving world, the murphy bed is the most successful design in space-saving furniture. It is commonly known as a pull-down or wall bed as this bed is hinged to the wall at one end, which stores it vertically.

This is an excellent option because you can keep things inside the bed’s base, which doubles up as a bookcase or shelf. With a little tug at a handle, the bed easily opens up whenever you want, and a small push hides it inside the wall, awarding you with plenty of space. A few homeowners often attach a desk or small couch to the bed’s exposed base, which acts as a working space when the bed is not in use.

#3. Rollaway bed

An excellent option if you often have guests staying over at your place. Many clients have the problem of guests coming over frequently. It forces to move furniture around to install another bed. Rollaway beds are great alternative sleeping beds as they provide you with an instant extra mattress. You don’t have to worry about the bed’s size as they are available in cot, twin, and twin XL.

It is also convenient as you can open it up whenever you want and put it back without adjusting on your furniture. It is a win-win situation because you save space and design your house the way you envisioned it.

#4. Recliners

We are not unknown to what a recliner is, but you might not be aware of the possibilities it holds. When you are asked to imagine a recliner, you are most likely to think about an old grandpa in his chair, but recliners are so much more. As interior designers, we are challenged with a task that might seem impossible, but that is where creativity backs us up.

While working on such a project, I decided to use a recliner to double as a bed for a little nap. When we added comfortable cushioning and a few buttons to help it recline, it worked like magic. The fancy cushion cover and led lights made it look better altogether. Yes, it was a DIY project, but it was totally worth it.

#5. Sofa Bed

A sofa bed is an excellent option for people living in small places. As the property rates keep rising, you might be forced to live in a tiny apartment, quickly over-crowded.

Modern interior design got you this non-traditional bed that can be used as a sofa during the day and as a comfy bed at night. This sofa bed comes in very handy when you have guests over and not enough beds. Therefore it is an excellent choice for both small and big living spaces as it works efficiently and can fulfill all your needs. It is one of the best space-saving furniture available on the market.

#6. Futon Mat

Originating from Japan, futon mats are a trend in the interior design world as they give you plenty of benefits. These mats can be stored away after use and do not require much space, even after they are laid out. A traditional Japanese futon is the way to go if you want maximum efficiency because they are made up of three parts; Shikibuton, Futon, and Kakibuton that are laid on top of each other to form your small bed.

The futon matt is thinner than a standard mattress and ensures that it does not take up too much space, which is our main aim. The futon gives your room an exotic Japanese look and makes it easier for you to move around as it clears up most of the area.

#7. Loft Bed

For those unfamiliar with a loft bed, it is a single bed raised with support. It is made sure that the mattress is raised high enough to use the space underneath for numerous purposes.

This gives your room a modern look and helps you utilize all of your space. Most people use the space underneath as a study area or sitting spot, but you can be as creative as you wish. You can also use a vertical ladder to climb up to your loft bed, or you can have stairs that rotate on an axis to open up into a spiral staircase and act as a storage system when not in use.

#8. Trundle Bed

This one is a great work of engineering. A trundle bed has a large platform that rests on wheels under your regular bed. All you have to do is pull out the second bed from underneath, and you can have a friend sleepover anytime you wish. This is an ideal choice if you have children.

A few trundle beds offer extra storage options with a second bed, which is really useful if you live in a small apartment where you want to put every inch of free space to great use. It also helps solve sleeping issues when you have guests over as it is a comfortable option.

#9. Ceiling Bed

A ceiling bed is pretty much self-explanatory. As the name suggests, a ceiling bed is attached to the ceiling and lowered when you want to use it. This mechanism helps you utilize all the vertical space in the room. It is an excellent option as you can lower it down on already placed furniture without having to put anything away.

A few house owners decide to suspend their bed from the ceiling with heavy support rods and use a ladder to reach up top. This saves money on the automated mechanism of lowering and raising the bed. This is one of my personal favorite designs.

#10. Folding Mattress

A folding mattress is one of the most common designs interior designers come across. The reason for its popularity is that you can use it in various ways. A folding mattress commonly has three folds, enabling you to use it as a chair, a small sofa, or a bed. Having a folding mattress also gives you an added advantage because it is not fixed.

This means that you can use it anywhere anyhow and then store it back in a cupboard if necessary. It is a fantastic option for traveling, too, if you do not prefer sleeping bags. Space-saving furniture is developing each day, and the foldable mattress is one of its best inventions.

#11. Air Mattress

The air mattress is a modern and revolutionized way of sleeping. Along with its other benefits like total comfort, reducing back pain, and cost-effectiveness, an air mattress also helps you save a lot of space. You can deflate the mattress when not in use and store it in a small area. The mechanism which inflates the mattress can do so in minutes, making it easy to use.

This is an excellent option for camping trips too, and as an interior designer, I would suggest giving it a shot. The mattress is more comfortable than standard mattresses and lets users adjust the mattress’s feel according to their liking. This is a massive step in the space-saving furniture field and gives a hint of what technology has to offer in the future.

#12. Twin Bunk Beds

Twin bunk beds are like a murphy bed and are hinged to the wall, but the only difference, you guessed it, is that they are bunk beds. The murphy bed is hinged vertically, whereas the bunk beds are hinged horizontally and interconnected. This is a great space-saving idea for when you have two kids.

A few clients are concerned that they don’t have enough space in the kid’s room. This design is a fit for parents who might be facing this problem. It ensures that the children have enough space to play in the room and accommodate a study table or a big closet. It is a simple way of solving space problems, which is also pocket friendly.

#13. 4 Bunk Beds

This is an excellent idea for dorm rooms and hostels. If you have plans to build a dorm room or have four inseparable kids, this is a great idea. The four bunks are placed facing each other, two on each side with a staircase or ladder in the center to access the two upper bunks.

This symmetry of lines makes it look chic and sophisticated rather than cramped up in a corner. This allows utilizing the vertical space of the room completely. Since these beds stay at a side, you have the rest of the room open to whatever plans you have.

#14. Flip Bed

A flip bed is a bed that doubles as a dining table or desk. To do so, you just need to flip the desk on the axis and lock it in position. A few designs offer a Ferris wheel type of mechanism that lets you switch between a desk and a bed. Something of this sort is a fantastic option for bachelors or those who live alone and don’t have much space for movement in your apartment.

The desk can be used to work or to eat, making this a multifunctioning design. It occupies the least amount of space as you can keep it in one corner because it doesn’t have any requirements like high ceilings or huge wall space. It is an efficient piece of furniture that holds true to its space-saving name.

#15. Cabin Bed

A cabin bed is an exciting and trendy bed in the space-saving world. The bed is similar to a loft bed, except the space underneath is bigger, and the size of the bed is increased. The area underneath is made into a small cabin with walls on all sides and a little door.

The cabin acts as storage, may a walk-in closet or can be used as a study or a sitting area. The bed on the top can be accessed with a ladder. This kind of design can be placed even in the living room because it provides personal space, which is similar to a room. This is just a basic idea, and the possibilities are endless.

Final Words On Bed Alternatives

Space-saving furniture proves a blessing to most of its quality to create an illusion of having a bigger space than available. It also helps to modernize your small apartment and make it seem comfy and cozy rather than congested.