7 Ranch Style Front Door Ideas [With Pictures]

Ranch-style homes are native to the US of A, and they appeared on the architectural scene way back in the 1960s. Most of the time, these houses ooze curb appeal, and you can find them all across the country – from San Francisco all the way to New York.

If you’re the proud owner of a ranch house but want to up your design aesthetic game, there’s an easy way to do so – and that too, within budget. People are hard pressed to believe me – even with my interior designing credentials – that upgrading their front doors can breathe new life into their ranch exterior.

But that’s precisely why I’ve come up with this front door style guide for my fellow ranch house enthusiasts. From front doors contemporary to old-school charm – this feature has something for everyone, and you’re bound to love these ideas. All you need to do is grab a comfy seat and discover a whole new way to improve your architecture without moving a single stone. Ready? Here goes.

Enhancing Your Curb Appeal Through Your Exterior Door

1# - Black With Glass Panel

If your ranch-style home is surrounded by lush greenery, you can incorporate the wood elements in your house exterior to make it seem one with nature. How? Get a wood front door. Better yet, get a black wood front door with glass panels to offset the darkness of the color with the warmth of indoor lighting.

Folks aren’t too comfortable with black anywhere near their exterior door – but a black front door can be trendy and timeless at the same time. What’s not to love about that?

2# - Ironwork Door

A huge fan of the rustic elegance? Adding elements of ironwork windows and doors on a ranch house with brick can help you make a grand statement. 

From single to double door variations, ironwork front doors make the perfect focal point for your front porch, and they’re incredibly durable and long-lasting. To get the best experience, hire iron door artisans and watch them create magic with your home entrance.

3# - Dutch Door

If you’re not familiar with dutch doors, imagine a door that’s horizontally split in half – that allows the top to swing open while the bottom half remains shut. Apart from giving your ranch house tonnes of curb appeal, a dutch front door is great for improving your home’s indoor air quality because it allows the light and air to stream right in. 

In fact, if you’re looking for ways to amp up your home’s energy efficiency – this style of front door should be right up your alley. Oh, and these front doors are available in several styles and countless color options too.

4# - Arched Door

Believe it or not, arched doors are making a comeback in a big way. This entrance door style never truly goes out of style and has the added advantage of going perfectly with ranch-style homes. The curved top design of an arched door can introduce fluidity and softness to your front porch. 

However, you may want to give arched doors a pass if your home happens to be contemporary or mid-century modern. This exterior door style is best suited to home exteriors with traditional, Mediterranean, Spanish, or Tudor vibes.

5# - Metal Entrance

Architecture is constantly evolving with new styles and ideas. From curved, sinuous lines to clean, clear-cut angles – there’s nothing architects and interior designers are afraid to try out. And, if you’re thinking about getting your minimalistic ranch-style home fitted with contemporary metal doors, you shouldn’t be anxious at all.

Metal doors are available in a stunning variety of designs, and people also love these doors for their diversity. Be it rustic brickwork or a transitional style – you can utilize a metal door to improve your ranch’s appearance. Also, metal doors with glass panels can help enhance your interior by giving you an unparalleled view of flora and fauna in your garden.

6# - Glass Doorway

So far, we’ve covered wood and metal doors. But, no front door styles for ranch-style homes lineup is complete without glass doors. Glass doors often make the ideal focal point for ranch homes because they help blend the beauty of your house exterior with its interiors.

When the sun’s up, a glass door will help bring all that natural light inside. After sunset, your interior lighting can help illuminate the porch and the landscape architecture leading to your house – making it more visible and animated. If you’re big on privacy, don’t worry. Plenty of glass doors offer cool effects like stain glass or privacy film to ensure your solitude isn’t disturbed.

7# - Wood Panel Entrance

If you’re reading this on your mobile, iPad, or tablet – you should know touch device users explore by touch, and they like the sense of tangibility that comes with it. Just like the feel of being grounded with touch or with swipe gestures, you can add a sense of attachment and belonging by investing in a paneled front door.

We all know wood is never going out of style, so you can pick a style and rail door to work with any color scheme, house exterior, or any type of ranch style house for that matter. These doors are ageless, durable, and beautiful – all at the same time.


Every part of your house can be personalized to indicate your taste or personality. The right color scheme, windows, or front doors can help bring in all the different components of your ranch-style home together.

Unlike interiors, like a living room, for example, home exteriors require a much lower level of effort to upgrade. That’s why I’m hoping you’re going to use the information listed here wisely and give your ranch-style house a whole new feel by focusing on your entrance – nothing could be simpler. Oh, and don’t forget to keep visiting this site for more exciting news on home and lifestyle. Till next time, happy home decoration!